
“Hi! My name is Sean Proulx and I am so excited to present to you my long time project. Void has been in the works for over 8 years now, and I’m finally ready to come out of my solitude and share my art with you. The sound is a blend of electronic, metal, and rock music, creating atmospheric compositions that are inviting, beautiful, energetic, and emotional. My experience and upbringing is poured into this artistic expression, and I am eager to have the opportunity to connect with you, and to share my story.

I was born in Germany into a military family. We moved back to Canada when I was only 2 years old. I consider myself having 2 hometowns, the first one is in New Lowell, Ontario, where we stayed for about 8 years, the second one is Trenton, Ontario, in a small town called Frankford, we lived there for roughly the same amount of time. We also lived in Chicoutimi, Quebec for 3 years in between those. After graduating high school, I worked for a year to collect as much money as I could, and then I moved to Ottawa, Ontario, where I studied computer science for 3 years at Algonquin College. This is where I expanded my knowledge of my other passion, software, and learned how to code. After being there for 6 years, I decided it was time for a change and moved to Montreal, Quebec, this is where I live currently.

My life wasn’t easy growing up. I got bullied and teased throughout my education up until college. I am also gay, and that created additional challenges that I had with my own identity. I was a very confused, misunderstood, lonely, quiet, depressed, anxious, and suicidal individual. This eventually lead to a diagnosis of Bipolar Type 1, ADHD, Social Anxiety, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in adulthood when I was 27. Since then I have been in recovery, to get my illnesses under control, to finally feel some sense of stability, to be happy, and to find joy in life. I always knew something was wrong with me, and I now have the answers. Recovery hasn’t been easy, and I still struggle and fall down some days, but I am in a much better place now.

I always say 2 things saved my life, my mom and music. My mother’s love for me runs deep, she came to my rescue on one of my darkest days, where I had enough of the suffering, and wanted to end it all. I can remember both of us lying in a snow bank, her holding me tight, tears pouring out of our eyes as she reassured me that everything will be ok. Music served as a shield against the world that was beating me down into darkness. It grew into a passion of mine, and I’ve always been so fascinated by it. How it brings people together, makes them laugh, dance, or even cry. It can spark so many different emotions in you, and I love that feeling of connectedness, it’s something important for all of us to have.

I could spend an eternity writing about all of my experience, and would love to, but just to wrap things up, I want to thank each and everyone of my supporters for their dedication, compassion, empathy, and love. I also want to give a big thanks to you, the reader, for sticking around and reading a bit about my story.”

Sean Proulx